Is it Important to Winterize my Small Engines?

Yes…if you want your equipment to run great year after year, you will need to winterize it prior to storing it for the off-season. This is the best way to make sure that when you need it in the spring it will be ready to perform! What does winterizing include? Great question. Your best bet is to take your equipment to a local small-engine repair shop and let them handle it for you!

Follow Manufacturer’s Guidance to Winterize

While small engines vary by manufacturer, most people will agree that the manufacturer’s guidance is a good place to start when it comes to preparing your small engine for storage. The maker of the components wants you to get the maximum life out of their product. Anything less may damage the company’s reputation. Following their guidance also means that warranty claims, if they become necessary, should be easier to file.

Find a Small Engine Repair Shop

Again, trusting a local small engine repair shop is a great way to ensure you get the best support possible for your much-needed equipment. They are familiar with general engine safety procedures and many times are experts in various brands. It is best if you can service your small engine in the shop where you purchased it. Companies that service the items they sell typically have a great relationship with the manufacturer and receive additional training and support.

Keep it Clean and Dry

Once your engine is ready for the winter, find a spot that is clean and dry to store your equipment. Many people use their garage or storage sheds. These will work fine if they are protected from the elements. It is also a good idea to cover your equipment with a tarp or other protective layer.

Taking care of your small engine year after year keeps your investment in tip top shape. Winterize your equipment!